
古川美術館 分館 爲三郎記念館 特別展  FURUKAWA MUSEUM
西中千人ガラス展  ― 伝統を呼び未来を継ぐ ―  2014年3月15日(土)〜 5月11日(日)

最初に思い描いたのは、ガラス(=光 ) という要素を取り入れた日本庭園。

This is an unprecedented approach of exhibiting modern glass art at a traditional Japanese tea-ceremony house and garden.
I first came up with the idea of using glass for a Japanese garden as a new element of light.
The glass stepping stones look almost like sunlight captured in water.
You can find something special and new in the sound of falls, the scent from trees, and even the color of moss when walking in this garden along embedded glass stepping stones.
This approach follows the same concept as “the aesthetics of the patch", in which masters of tea ceremony in past times embedded gold in the cracks of a tea bowl in order to create a vivid impression not only in the feel of the surface but also in the entire shape.
Another approach used here is installation works.
I want visitors to catch with their whole body the softly enfolded feeling in this tea-ceremony house.
The work titled “Flowers in my dream” expresses the brightness of life.
Many rafflesia flowers in bright colors in full glory are set in a small room beyond dark, narrow downward steps.
I have set a tall glass sculpture in a very small room, titled “Potalaka”.
It portrays the benevolence of Kannon Bosatsu (the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara) standing on an isolated island in the distant sea.
In both rooms, the tatami were removed and the floors were graveled.
I wrote the words “Betsu ni Kuhu Nashi” with glass melted at 1,200 degrees Celsius,on the scroll in the tearoom, which is equipped with glass utensils for tea ceremony.
These are the words of Muso Kokushi who established the concept of Japanese gardens. The meaning is “never waste a minute of life”.
I let loose a traditional sense of beauty, from a totally free perspective.
It will give me great happiness if you can share the beauty of my work, and discover that "True beauty can be discovered only by one who mentally completes the incomplete."

 《 Special Collaborate 「 呼継よびつぎ 」&「 時織ときおり 」西中千人 × 荒井沙羅 》   ▶▶▶

 3月22日 ガラス茶会  ▶▶▶

 4月14日 ― いけばな小原流家元が西中千人の器にいける ― ▶▶▶

 4月20日 「重森千靑と学ぶ日本庭園の魅力」 ▶▶▶